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Monday, June 27, 2005

Rear Area Security

The team, made up of volunteers from the unit, provides security for the jets, equipment, spaces, and special visitors/functions.

RAS Team.


At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Training for the R.A.S. began two years ago and continued right up to deploying to Iraq. The Marines who are assigned to the team are all volunteered. The security details are taken seriously and the Marines have done an outstanding job protecting our Marines and aircraft, as will as the VIP's that visit squadron our area.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Training for the R.A.S. began two years ago and continued right up to deploying to Iraq. The Marines who are assigned to the team are all volunteered. The security details are taken seriously and the Marines have done an outstanding job protecting our Marines and aircraft, as will as the VIP's that visit squadron our area.

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MSgt.Kochen and Sgt.Marlow are in the Squadron's all terrian , rapid response, tactical assault vehicle. Other wise known as a John Deere 6 wheel Gator.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top Picture of Sgt.Marlow,MSgt.Kochen and Cpl.Shifflett, RAS Team shotgun squad.


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