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Thursday, June 23, 2005

GatorsinIraq.com Story

Athens Magazine is doing a small piece on the GatorsinIraq.com site and the author would like some input from our visitors.

This is the request from the author:
I am a writer for Athens Magazine out of Athens, Ga., and we are looking for thoughts from soldiers and friends and family of soldiers who use this blog. We are writing a short piece focusing on the www.gatorsiniraq.com blog and your input would be greatly appreciated. We would like to know:

How has this blog changed your experience as either a soldier or friend/family member of a soldier?

Any happy/sad stories?

Any other comments you have about how this blog is impacting your life.

Please include the name of your friend or loved one deployed (and your relationshop to them), your name and an email address.

If you'd prefer to email me directly you can at: lizzy29@uga.edu



At 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Sgt. Lehner's Sister, Marie. I am keeping her son, Mark (6 yrs old) while she is away protecting our country with the other brave soldiers in Iraq. Not only do you guys have an incredibly hard job, but you have an even hardy task of leaving your family behind to do it. Having this website up has given Mark something to "see". It has given him something to help him understand what his mommy is doing and why she isnt able to be with him right now. She is on the site today and he jumps with joy screaming "my mommy! my mommy" when he is able to see her face. He is able to see the guys and gals she works with- her "home" and her "work". This is very important to him and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for giving this to him and all of the other families out there. We need to see our family members. We need to see there smiles. We need to see they are ok. We need a way to tell you all how damn much we appreciate you all for what you are doing and how much we miss you all. God Bless You Each and Every One! Our prayers are with you...and Sgt. Lehner- THIS IS FROM MARK "I love you and I want to go home with you soon. I want to buy you a bike when you come home so you can ride with me since I don't have to have training wheels now." I love you sis! Marie

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son, Capt. Milne is now serving his second tour of Iraq. His first tour was at the beginning of the problem, he was stationed at that time in San Diego. The shock of hearing him say he was being deployed to that reqion started a whole new worry for my husband and myself. Throughout that first time Mom's and Dad's never really got to know anything about what was going on. We waited for something to come down the pipeline from our son. Wives on the other hand "belonged" and through their squadron connections , were frequently updated. This time we have not only our son's immediate updates, but a home web page that's so enlighting. I find myself going to this everynight, not only to perhaps catch a glimpse of my son, but also enjoying others who share this stage in their lives. Catching little things like the picture of the dust storms, the beach, the living areas, all this makes it just a little easier for us to imagine what these brave men and women are faced with and they always have smiles are on their faces throughout it all. We're very proud of our son and all who are presently having to sacrifice the comforts which we have in our U.S. land. Thank you to the person who took the time to create this web page, it means a lot and leaves a little less worry for families waiting for them to come home. We love you Conrad.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought..... Has anyone authenticated this request? The safety of our troops and our loved ones at home are the most important thing to all of us. I'm somewhat concerned that the requestor is asking for names, e-mail addresses etc. In these days and times you can never tell..... Please be assured that this sight has meant the world to all of us and we can never express enough gratitude to the author and keeper. It gives us comfort and a reason to smile everyday. But as with everything we must be careful of the amount of information we post for all eyes to see. God bless our guys, gals, and the friends and families waitng for their safe return. May they all be safe and sound.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Ridge said...

The request is definitely legitimate. The reason we included the email address is for those who didn't feel comfortable posting all of the information on the site.


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much to all who have responded to my request from Athens Magazine. Hopefully, with your help, I can share how this blog has positively impacted all of your lives. One request: Capt. Milne's mother who wrote a wonderful post, could you email me so I can gather more information: lizzy29@uga.edu. If you would like to remain anonymous, I completely understand. Thanks again to all who have shared comments.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Captain Joe Wayne, U.S. Marines, Retired. I am the former Maintenance Material Control Officer of the squardon and now live in California. Many of the now senior enlisted Staff Non-commissioned Officers worked for me as Sgt's and SSgt and now they are the Senior leadership of the squadron, MSGT Mark (PAT) King, and GySgt Gary Stockbridge. With being retired, the war took on a very personal meaning for me when the Gators were recalled. I have know Chugger, Boomer, Gerbs, and the boys for years and follow the day to day life of the squadron on line.

This is a great squadron, and this war and how far it has streached our armed forces shows how capable the Reserve Forces are.

I rest well knowing the boys are safe and protecting our freedom.
God Bless the United States Marines, and the Gators are doin more than "killing time for cash", hope that statment gets a laugh in the ready room

Semper Fi

Joe "NAPA" Wayne

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Cpl. Jason Goedde's Aunt Julie..and I know from our entire family this site is a God send! We can get letters and sometimes an email from Jason, but seeing him in pictures is the greatest gift. We are so proud of ALL the men and women over there and I wish I could tell each and every one of them how much we appreciate what they are doing and the personal sacrifices they are making and have made for us here at home. We worry every day and pray every day for all of them....so when I get on this site and I see Jason smiling or working..just SEEING he is ok is so comforting. I also love seeing all of the others who I don't know..all the b-day wishes and anniversary wishes..it makes me hug my kids and husband a little longer and harder for them..they are the reason we have what we have and can do what we do...in freedom. There isn't enough thanks to give them...and the to the person running this site..we love you, too!
Jason..we Love and Miss you and as always are in our daily prayers and to you and all of you..THANKS!!
I hope the soldiers enjoy our comments as much as we enjoy the pictures and know that we really do think of them and pray for them every day..as well as check this site for a glimpse of our loved ones..making sure they are ok!

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Cpl. Jason Goedde's mom Kelli Phillips. I could not be more PROUD of my son doing his duty over in Al Asad. With everything they guys & gals are doing over there is so amazing. With having this website helps me not be so nervous about all the things that are going on. With all the pictures and little comments all can see and put on there is so heart warming knowing all is doing their job and letting their families know they are fine and they are thinking of them. To all the Marines over there-a very big OOORAH to you all, All of you are in my prayers and THANK YOU for what you are doing for all of us back here in the states. See you all when you get back to GA.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My youngest son is in the VMFA-142 Gators unit and is away from home and family for the first time (other than boot camp and Marine Corp training).

Since we can't email and talk on a daily basis I really enjoy being able to log in and see any pictures of his fellow Marines and what they are up to. It's a boost to me when the latest update shows the morale is up and folks are remembering birthdays, anniversaries, etc., and acknowledging promotions.

I regret that the mainstream press doesn't cover the successes of our military and remind the public how indebted we are to them for their hard work, courage, and sacrifice.
When you have family over there it's on your mind 24 hours a day.

I hope I get to meet some of the guys and gals when they return. They will always have my respect and admiration and I want to just say thanks to them in person.

Old cliche but always true...
"freedom is not free"

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lizzy from UGA,

I too am very grateful for this site....I cannot say it changed a past experience, as it is my first experience. I have a very dear friend here...Before I met him, I fully admit, I knew very little about the USMC. Now I read articles, listen to news stories and research all that I can in regards to The Few. The Proud....But, of all the sources I have encountered, this is the most touching and profound source I have access to.

Happy or sad stories? Well, they are right here in the day by day accounts... Departure day, a photo of a Plate of Chow, Sandstorms, Inside the Cans, A Wonderful Drawing a young artist mailed to one of the guys, Videos with music, Group Photos, Photos of The Shop, Promotions, Work in Progress, Warnings of Bad Water, Happy Birthday messages (Brandon, 4 years old- wow, this one really "got" me), .....It is amazing to have these visuals. And, of course, the night I logged in to see (surprise!!) a photo of my friend, I was absolutely thrilled....It is such a gift to see his smiling self looking well. It now stays on my desk top. lol.

I visit this site every day. I read all of the posts and links here. Though I do not know the persons writing them, I am so very touched to witness the connections to and from home.There are some that bring me to teary eyes and many that pique my interest...and some that give me a relief of chuckle...All are bestowed with honor and respect for what these men and women are doing for our America and our World... Same goes for those who support them.

Lizzy, you asked how this experience may be impacting my life? Well, I can say it has. In big and little ways. I had always considered myself a very Patriotic person but I had no idea how uninformed my Patriotism was...hard to explain, other than my heart has grown. My faith has grown. My appreciation for the freedoms I have - freedoms I have because of these men and women- has grown. My loyalty and caring for my friend has grown. (Thanks Gunny...You know my prayers and thoughts are with you every day. Thank you so very much for letting me be a part of this.)

And, thank you Lizzy from UGA for honoring these Marines and giving me the opportunity to express here. And, of course, to the Keeper of the site - THANK YOU.

Stay very safe and well VMFA - 142 Gators. Thanks to all for doing what you are doing...Keep up the good work. Keep "X" ing off the days on the calendars and you'll be home soon enough.


: ) A Friend
Roswell, Georgia

At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Sgt. Silvia's mom Michele. This site has ment the world to me, my family and all of our freind's. The first time my son was over sea's he was on an aircraft carrier and we had e-mail to keep in touch and I thought that was great. But now to be able to go on this site daily and see pictures of him and all of the troops with their suroundings is wonderful. I feel blessed to have this site when their are so many others who can not share what you have offered us.
My son just had his first wedding anniversary and had to be thousands of miles away fighting for all of us. So is this site important to us? Words could never express how important.
Thank you and please keep up the best site on the internet!!!

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband, Mark, works in Electric Shop. Although I haven't seen him in the pictures on this website, I still enjoy checking for new pics every week. I really don't know how our service members and family members have been able to handle deployment before now! Can you imagine having to wait days and weeks on the postal service to deliver a letter. In the meantime hoping and praying that a letter was coming?

We have a 12 year old and a 15 month old who really miss their dad! It's good to show them that there are others in Iraq with him, missing their families too. And being able to see the conditions they are in over there really gives my 12 year old something to think about. He still says he would like to be a Marine eventually, and right on the front lines, going into towns like Fallujah too! If anything, seeing these brave men and women have only increased his sense of patriotism and duty. We've never pushed the idea of the military on him, he's just lived the life. Some kids would go completely the opposite way.

What is it that God puts into a person at their creation that enables them to think of others in such a selfless way, with such a feeling of personal responsibility for their freedoms? I don't know what that secret ingredient is, but thank the Heavens our Gators have it and are over there for all of us!

Semper Fi, Gators!

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Maj. Sharp's aunt and I have really enjoyed keeping up with the heroic Gators on this website during their deployment in Iraq. Love seeing the pictures of the brave young soldiers that are doing such a terrific job for us. My heart goes out to each and every young soldier protecting our freedom. We are keeping you all in our prayers and hoping for your safe return. Buck, you are doing a tremendous job. Keep up the good work.


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