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Friday, June 24, 2005

The Replacement



At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a Goodlooking Marine! You look native with that tan. Are you trying to look like a local? Top secret Gator work I am sure! Now that they have brought in their "WGAE" Replacement Pilot I'm sure the job will get done and you guys can hurry home. I love you!!

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I have to agree you are a goodlooking Marine . In fact you are the best one I know. You sure are looking good and I love looking at my baby boy who is such a fine man, Marine , and Son. Ilove you very much. Hope to talk to you soon. Love mom.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess this Guy is what they mean by the phrase "bottom of the barrel"? We are getting so desperate! I wish you the best on the vacation Otis. Seriously all you guys stay safe. Well, I was serious about the bottom of the barrel too. Thanks for all that you and everyone else is doing for us.
Kevin K.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking good otis, love you, be safe and you and all of your friends are in our prayers. Love lou

At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Otis.Thanks again for everything.Please let us know an address when you get one.Stay safe and god bless-Athena

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy! Im glad your doing fine in iraq. I hope that you can stay safe everywhere you go. I cant wait to see you when you get back home. Stay stong and be smart! - Blake

At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey otis whats up with that grin do you know something the insurgents dont, i sure hope so. we know you guys are taking it to them keep up the good work and stay smart, the world is better place because of the efforts of the gators. take care and well see you soon,


At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otis, when you get back I've got a new toy to chase fish with...


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