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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happy 4th From The Gators

The Gator Bait Bar and Grill

Evening chow crew.

Gators chowin'


At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cam! Your pictures look great! Looks like you guys had some Fourth of July fun. The story on the Gators website in Athens Magazine comes out in the August/September issue so I'll be sure to grab one. We all miss you tons and can't wait for you to get home!

Kristin (sis)

At 3:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David E - So proud to see you smiling and looking happy -- looking forward to a reunion. Luke 15:20; 15:31. Not your service, but it fits -- Pride Runs Deep. With great love and respect - Jonathan

At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

D.E.B. -- Whatcha been feeding that python? Oh, my bad, that's your arm... I haven't been working out much; not that I've gotten weak, mind you -- there's still plenty o' muscle. From the day I was born, under the watchful eye of the 1LT/CAPT, I've been Semper Fi (although it's hard for me to spell ---- SMPRFI/SMPRF1). See you real soon. Proud to have USMC sweat and blood running through my veins -- Proud of you... Billy Ford

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

D.E.B. -- Whatcha been feeding that python? Oh, my bad, that's your arm... I haven't been working out much; not that I've gotten weak, mind you -- there's still plenty o' muscle. From the day I was born, under the watchful eye of the 1LT/CAPT, I've been Semper Fi (although it's hard for me to spell ---- SMPRFI/SMPRF1). See you real soon. Proud to have USMC sweat and blood running through my veins -- Proud of you... Billy Ford

At 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so the UAW doesn't necessarily hone our computer skills - although I'm the only one of us with a computer hardwired internally... maybe I could claim I double posted for emphasis?? Billy F. Smile -- a lot of us in GA love you -- getting ready to rumble...

At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, a picture I can say looks defintively like our D.E.B. Looking good, Marine- strong. Things here are a mile a minute- remind me to tell you about the BBQ business. Is there a thread here for the homecoming?

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey aaron party looks pretty fun keep up the good work,proud of you all, buck

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Cpl Weaver - Looking good there or at least I think you are since you're hiding. Boy, why didn't you lean back so we could see your lean body? I want to see more of that Christopher smile. :) I want you to know that we love you dearly and miss you tremendously. We are so proud of you. Stay safe and may God keep you under his wing.

Love ya bunches Aunt KC

At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron H.- Son, it's so great to see your smiling face! Looking forward to your return. Love, Mom

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Young'un -- Good picture! I got out of P-cola just before Hurricane Dennis hit. Glad to be in the hills with stuff like that going on... Proud of you... So proud, Padre

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cpl Hess:
The kids and I sure enjoy seeing pictures of you. It makes our day! We miss you and our counting the days.

At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt..is that you looking at the food? Take care of yourself..miss you!

At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arron H.-

Yo! it's good to see you man. Keep up the good work! Your in my families prayers bud. Looking forward to seeing you when you get home. E-mail me if you want or if you can at Trvett234@aol.com (yes it is missing the I)

- Matt Trivett

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silvia Sgt Jason M VMFA142/S-3 [silviajm@acemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil]

Jason, missing you, tell Stephanie to let me know if she needs anything. I wish I could just hug and kiss you. So glad you are coming home. You guys are the BEST please send a few pictures now and then. I need to see your o k.

Auntie Debi & Jen


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