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Saturday, August 20, 2005

High Flight


At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi All,

I posted a question regarding VMFA-142 about a month ago, I wasn't sure if I posted too far down the line for anyone to notice it, or if it went ignored, But I was curious if it's known yet when The Gators will be coming back here to Atlanta? The news said before they deployed, it was a 7month deployment so I assume around early Oct. (Local newspaper had an article on a marine in VMFA-142 and said Sept)

Any info would be greatly appreciated

Hope you guys come home soon!

Adam Hodge
Email: Airshowfreak5@aol.com

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might of went ignored, we have certain OpSec requirements and I don't think it'd be a wise idea to post dates and times of our return on the internet. Sorry.

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't look too smart flying upside down loaded with bombs. those aren't Blue Angel jets fellas.....no special fuel baffle.

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides when pictures of my son are posted, my absolute favorite pictures on this web site are the F-18's in flight. Just awesome!
Kathy T.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures,they would be nice in a frame in the house. I will say my favorite picture is any guy or gal with the VMFA-142,no matter what there job,we are so proud of you and you have made the U.S.A. so proud. Stay safe. Not to be forgotten is the person that gave us all these pictures so we could see what goes on over there, we thank you so much. Just to be able to send a little message that maybe made them smile.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to all of you who make our world a safer place. The FA 18 pictures are great. Thanks to the person who keeps up the web site and post the pics. Stay safe and God Bless all of you.

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply on when the Gators are headed back. I completely understand why you wouldn't want to post the dates over the internet.

None-the-less, I can't wait till the day you guys are back here at Atlanta (Which is hopefully soon!)

Thanks Again,
Adam Hodge

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note, many would love to get hands on pics like this framed with sigs of the famous flying gators. Might think about it for funds for coffee mess, or silent auction for fellow marines and their families? We gave a flag/certificate with his name on it to local Senator at fund raiser and he stopped cold in his speech and could not continue. Later told someone with tears in his eyes, it was the best present he had ever receieved. You guys rock and we love ya!! Ready to see ya all home, The Parish Clan

At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way Buck, young brother of Wesley. We thank you for the awesome job on the website. The kids and Mark's friends have loved it!!! Your time is greatly appreciated. Alex

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would someone email me as to the possible return dates that the Gators will be coming back here to Atlanta? Newspaper had an article on a Marine in VMFA-142 and said September. I would appreciate the information.

Hope to see you guys home soon!

Email: flylikeagator@yahoo.com


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