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Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Tenaya

Happy 5th Birthday Tenaya!


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Daddy,
Thank you so much for my message. I can't wait to you come home so that you can wash my hair like you always do. Mommy said that she loves you, Mann said what's up, and I love you too with all my heart and soul. I miss you. Thanks again for my birthday message.
I love you daddy.....
Tenaya Lakil Starks
5 years old NOW!!!!!

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baby,
Thanks for the message you sent to Tenaya. She was so surprise when she seen you holding her name up. She really loved the message and seeing you. I wished that you could have been here to enjoy her 5th Birthday with us. I took three rolls of film so I think that you will be able to see everything that happen at both Party. I miss you like crazy and love you more than LIFE itself. Take care of yourself and be safe.
Can't wait to See You,
Sending love from Georgia,


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