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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Welcome to the 3rd Grade...

... Emma


At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is sooooo sweet!!!!Congrads Emma!!!! For going to the third grade. Keep up the great work!!!

It's very sweet that even though you're over there. That ya'll can take time to do stuff for your family. To make them feel very special. I just wanted to say
Thank you and keep up the great work.. J. Henry

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful daddy-- and it is great that daddy has such great friends to help him make a little girls feel very special:)
We are very proud of all of you and keep up the great work over there- we can't wait for you guys to come home- keeping you in our prayers!

At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job SSGT. I know this little girl will get a trill out of this, I know I did!!!!!!!!!


At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet!!! Jake you are the best dad ever! How did you convince grown men to hold hands like that? I know Emma will be thrilled. Congratulations Emma!!! Have a great summer!! You guys hang in and I love you baby! Ang

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. Cavazos you look great. Thank you Brandon for helping Emma have a great day. What a wonderful father to do this
Brandon HELLO from TEXAS. We miss
you and love you. MOM AND DAD of
Brandon Cavazos

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFLOL! That's a great shot! But, look closely -- those guys aren't holding hands!

Men! ;-)

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon -
Is that you doing the sitting-down part of the E? That looks like the tat you have on your arm. Whether it's you or not, that is really sweet for ya'll to help Emma's dad remember her. All of you be safe.


At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to:dad from:Emma May18,2007 Right now, i am at my moms work, and I just wanted to tell you that school is out in a week.I aso wanted to tell you that I will be in fith grade soon,and on the picture with you holding a sighn that says happy birthday Angie,I made another cmment and I accedentally putt the date to be April butt, I ment May. Love ya and Ill see you on next saturday. love emma P.S.on monday I am getting 2 shots,one is for chicken pox, and I cant remember the other one. Wish me luck. Emma


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