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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lerch & Double

Lerch & Double.


At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


All the Gators have done an outstanding job in support of OIF. I wish you could be here to see how well the Powerline Marines are doing in your absence. They are enduring 24 hr operations in extreme weather conditions and are interrupted from time to time with indirect fire from the bad guys. They, with the help of their buddies throughout maintenance, have impressed everyone requesting close air support in this combat zone. Their performance is an outstanding example of silent professionalism. No complaints or excuses, just keep the machine rolling.

All pics submitted to this site are posted, free of charge. If you must keep score, the total as of 18 May is Officer 61, Enlisted 105. Maybe the O's aren't sending in enough photos.

Regards from Iraq,
Current Gator

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mr. Webmaster" (didn't know that was what you were called) - thank you for the generous service you provide ALL the families back home. You volunteer your time to keep us in touch with our loved ones.

I enjoy all the pictures - they all look like REAL LIFE HEROES TO ME.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger Ridge said...

Paull B-

I created gatorsiniraq.com and am handling all the updates associated with it. I guess that makes me the "Webmaster".

Each photo that gets emailed to VMFA142@gmail.com gets posted on the Gators site with only one or two known exceptions. All squadron members are encouraged to send photos... the more the better as far as I'm concerned. No priority is attached to anyone's photos. They're posted as I receive them.

As far as the size of the picture goes... I imagine some people don't want to wait forever, or risk a transmission failure so they size the photos down to a small size. Again, I post them as I receive them. People can send them whatever size they prefer.

I don't ever plan on taking the site down or letting it "expire". My idea is to keep it up forever as a record of the deployment so future generations can enjoy the photos.

Take care, and thanks for visiting.
Buck ( VMFA142Photos@gmail.com )

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As a Gator Mom, I can't tell you how much you are appreciated back home. Hugs would never show it. Heck, kissing your feet would never show it.

It is your selfless contribution to the site which allows us to feel as though we are with you. I'm sure there's a lot more fun you could be having on your down time.

I know I am speaking for hundreds of regular readers back home, so I won't sign my name.

Thanks -- from the bottom of our hearts.

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you webmaster even tho I dont know you, you make me feel close to my son. Seeing all of you make my family feel like we can be with all of you while you
are there. May God Bless you and all the Marines. Keep the pictures coming! Mom of a US
Marine "Gator". Mom C.


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