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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Change of Command

The Incoming CO takes Command of the squadron when he accepts the squadron colors.

The outgoing CO takes the squadron colors from the SgtMaj and prepares to pass them to the incoming CO.

After the passing of the colors they shake hands.

The two COs after the ceremony. LtCol Sagebiel was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his outstanding leadership to this command including the historic mobilization of a reserve squadron. He also rec'd the Air Medal (Strike/Flight) for completing a certain number of hours/missions in a combat zone.

At the beginning of the ceremony the platoons report "All Present".


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thank you for being such a wonderful CO to every one- I know that the guys are really going to miss you!!!
Congrats on your new command- take care of all the guys and bring them all home safe!!!

At 3:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who’s that hot guy in the front saluting?
My guy!
Matt, I am proud of you! Keep your chin up...and get home!
Love, SC

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daddy it's so good to see you. We miss you so much and we're very proud of you. You're going to make a great C.O. We showed all of our friends and teachers at school. We love you !!!
B,H, and S

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Boomer! We wish you the best!


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