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Monday, April 04, 2005

Seat Shop

Seat Shop.

Seat Shop.

Seat Shop.

Seat Shop.

Seat Shop.

Seat Shop.


At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy, We see you!!! We love you and miss you. Be safe. Hugs and Kisses, Mom.

To whomever is posting these pictures: Thank you.

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Jimmy! I am so excited to finally see some pictures of you! It totally made my night to see your face! I have an endless smile on my face and can't wait to show Corynn in the morning! I Love You and I Miss You lots! Be safe! More packages are on the way!! And Hi to everyone else in seat shop!

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Jimmy- wear those sunglasses you are the only one in the pictures not wearing them. You need to protect your eyes! You have a beautiful daughter to look at when you come home! Love You XOXOX

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameron! YAY! It's about time I got to see some pictures of you! Man I miss you SO much! I'm so lost without you! Psycho, Goedde, you guys look great! Hope everyone is doing well, can't wait to see you guys soon! I love you Cameron!

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jason I miss yas. Its good to see a picture of you. Cant wait to see you again.

-You know who :)

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy-What a way to start the day seeing all the pictures of you and your buddies. You look great but Leslie is right,wear the sunglasses.Can't wait for you to come home,we miss you. You guys are doing a great job. We think of you all the time. Everyone stay safe. Yaya and Grampy

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason...It is so cool to see you! Ally and Emily liked it, too. Fred says hey...it was so nice to talk to you but seeing you helps alot! We love and miss you..to you and all of you..Thanks for taking care of all of us and be safe! My yellow ribbon is on my tree for ALL of you! To the person in charge of this site..you are awesome..Thanks!!
More letters and boxes are on the way..any requests?
Love and Prayers,
Aunt Julie

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cam,
It is so good to be able to see you and also see where you are. We miss you so much.

Thanks to whoever is responsible for this website, awesome job!

Love Mom and Tony
PS - I took your bike out for a spin just to make sure it's okay!!!Love Mom
just kidding!

At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, Great to see your pictures on the web site. You look great!!! I'll keep the letters & packages coming your way, Terry & I send our LOVE,
Love, mom.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, G&G P. send their LOVE to you and they along with all of us are so proud of you and the rest of men & women that are over there serving your country!!!! The packages are in the mail!! Love you, Mom

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good pictures of you and the guys in the Seat Shop.
Whoever is posting them, keep them coming.
We miss you, love you, stay safe and hurry home to us.


At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look great. We miss you!!!!

Annie and Jenn

At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,

Nice to see you looking so good. Thank you for what you are doing for our country and all the children of the future here and in Iraq. Everyone misses you so much! I can't wait to show the boys the pictures in the morning. I am sure Christopher will want to write too he tried your email once but no luck. We will send a surprise package soon now that we have your address. Be careful, be safe and know that we pray for your safe return every day.
Love, Aunt Robin

At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmy, Glad you get to call and let us all know your safe. Thank you for all doing, miss you lots. stay safe come home soon. Stephen made you some fig cookies they should be on their way soon.
Love you
Val & Stephen

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gunny Tucker!!

At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy, I look at your pictures everyday and everday I am just so proud of you. We all miss you lots. Corynn keeps us smiling while you're away. More hugs. Mom

At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy!! Corynn and I are right there with mom, we look at these pictures of you everyday waiting for more to come! We can't wait for you to come home that way we don't have to settle with looking at pictures everyday. Well We LOVE YOU and We MISS YOU! Try to take more pictures please! XOXOXO Muah!

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man wassup! It's good to see some pics of you alive and well. I hear your doin alright man, So you know, I'm in thailand and havin some fun. I went to mirimar and then to japan for 6 months and now to here for a month. Life is crazy man. Keep in touch anyway possible cause I wanna win the Trophy you had to pass on before we left. lol. Be safe man.

Jeff Mac

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats up seat shop? You guys look good. Hope ya'll make it back safe and remember to keep your head down. Sgt Goose

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gunny Tucker, Seat Shop probably aint the same without me. Wish i was still with you guy's. greetings from Japan Sgt Goose....

At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmy, We are all missing you soooooo much. Get in more of the pictures. We need some updated inspiration!!!!!!! Hugs and Kisses, Mom

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy-Here it is Aug.6th and I still go back to look at the seat shop pictures from the week of April 3rd every day.WE will be so happy when you all are back home,everyone has done a great job over there. Everyone is missed by their family. Every day I just want to pick up the phone to say hi Jimmy and I can't do that-Everyone stay safe and you are all missed so much. Love,Yaya and Grampy


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