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Monday, March 07, 2005

Gators Arrive in Sunny Iraq

The Gators have touched down in sunny Iraq and have had their first mess hall experience. Pictures, etc on the way. Keep checking.


At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankful that you arrived safe and sound. also thar you pottied today!
love, mom

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that you all made it safe and sound- Be careful and Daddy the girls say "hurry up home! We love and miss you!"
Mrs. Dahmer

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Ridge said...

Gerbil is the first Gator to make it to the Blog. Thanks for posting. Hope the weather improves soon.

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chugger, All of Georgia is praying for your safe return!!! And looking forward to your coming home party!!! We all love ya and miss ya!!! Suebert


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