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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Barber Shop

Barber Shop.

Barber Shop.


At 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now you have a new job for your spare time. I wonder what you are cutting. Love Grammy

At 4:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now thats the best-looking barber that I have ever seen-- Where do I sign up for my turn:-)

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't we all like for him to be home...I would even let him give me a haircut!!!!!

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary - we know better than to think that you actually needed a hair cut! Love you and hope you are doing well. You're always in our prayers.
~Your favorite cousin-in-law, Monica

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking good, bro. I'll give you a motivating hair cut when you get back to the states.


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