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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Al Asad Sandstorm

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.

Al Asad Sandstorm.


At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SSgt. Henry,
As Jenni would have said to Forest. RUN!!!!!!! We can't believe that sandstorm. We hope that ya'll were able to get out of the path of it. We also hope that there was no damaged to ya'll's equipments. Because of seeing the sandstorm pictures, now your kids wants to see the Mummy movie. Go figure! We love you and miss you very much. Love Jenn (momma), Mom ,Jeffery and Jenna Henry

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GEE I do not know what to say,these are great pictures but how long does it last,we see there is some blue sky and I hope that is a good sign, enough is enough.Lets have good weather for you guys. You should have the best of everything.A blue ribbon for the person taking the pictures we are seeing everything that happens where you are and the colors are beautiful.We are
not just at home wondering what goes on.Stay safe and come home soon. Jimmy we mailed package today.Hope it travels O.K. Love, Yaya and Grampy

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stephen.... now would be a really gooood time to utilize your eyewash!!!! We miss you and love you dearly. Love IA, Mane & Nyaze'

At 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ted: It is so hard to imagine sand storms like this. The pictures tell it all.Whoever takes the pictures, we say a big thank you for sharing them with us. Hopefully all of you were safe from it. How often do these storms happen? Do they last long? Ted, take care and we will see you very soon. Luv ya, Joe & Sandie

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures of a horrific storm! I hope every one reads the description that has been posted on this website. It gives a great description of how really bad and unusual it is.
Love all of you

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is what happens when Lurch pases gas!


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